Before I leave!

May 3, 2013

Thanks to all of you that reached out on my last post and shared your "'mom guilt" stories with me. It's something that really bothers me but I know it's normal and it helps to know I'm not just crazy :)

-- So first off, I would just like to note that last night my child actually slept through the night!! Halleluyer!! Ronnie did inform me that she woke up once but quickly went back to sleep - apparently I slept through that. (hashtag: momoftheyear) I woke up this morning and stared at her for like 20 minutes wondering if I was dreaming or not. It was totally real. And she's now my favorite child EVER.

-- We are having the most amazing weather here right now! Our high yesterday was in the 50's and today we're in the 60's. It is just so perfect! I think it's hilarious that this kind of weather is what maybe people up north consider Spring like. To us, we're bringing out the coats and talking as if we got a last bit of "winter" weather.  ha I friggin love this weather, winter or not.

-- Have you heard the new Fitz and The Tantrums album? Gah. I'm so excited about it.

 -- I leave to Las Vegas on Monday for my first work event this year and part of me is excited but mostly I'm just dreading leaving V. I know she's in the best hands and it's "just" 5 days but ugh, I don't wanna do it. I know this is last minute but if anyone would like to guest post for me while I'm gone, I'd love to have you! I would need posts for next Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (I'm not going to do posts the whole week.) The post wouldn't have to be anything specific - just talk Pinterest, DIY, jewelry, nail polish, neon, drinks, WHATEVAH.  Just keep it light and fluffy :) Also, I'd need it by tomorrow night!!

I'm off to finish off a shit ton of work that I have to do before we leave the office today! Then I have to go home and prepare for the garage sale I agreed to having tomorrow. I'm pretty sure Ronnie drugged me at some point to get a "yes" outta me. And then in my "free time" (ha. What is that anyway?!), I have to actually pack and get ready for this trip. Yowza. Wish me luck!

Happy Friday!!


Rhonda said...

I'd love to do a post about something fun :)

Trish said...

I woke up the other night and Wyatt was crying the "you better get me soon before the neighbors call CPS on you" cry. I don't even want to know how long he was crying before I woke up. Thank God he won't remember any of this :)

Sarah said...

I have only been away from Sally one night but it was glorious sleeping in a bed away from everything and knowing I wouldn't be wakened in the middle of the night. Enjoy it!

Miranda said...

good luck on your trip! I love that you said she is now your favorite child :) like she wasn't before :)

Cole said...

I hope you have a great trip!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a safe trip!
Also, yay for V sleeping through the night!!

Shoshanah said...

I have not been a fan of this cold weather we've been having. Seriously! It's May. It should not feel like winter. Of course I'm sure several weeks from now I'll be drenched in sweat and regretting saying this, but I'm ready for summer to be here.

With that said, I hope you have a safe trip!


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