happy + a winner.

Apr 12, 2013

Thank you to all who entered my giveaway for accessories from The Rogue Baby! And thank you Ricki for generously giving this prize away!  The winner is....

I'm so excited for you, Kasey!! Perfect timing since you're about to be a mama really soon! I will be contacting you shortly.

Please go visit The Rogue Baby on Etsy if you haven't already and use the code APRIL10 to receive 10% off your order through the end of the month! Ricki is such a great girl so please show her shop some love! ;)

So, you guys. Y'all are amazing.

Thank you so so much for the comments on my last post. I realized I'm not comfortable with publishing any personal drama at the moment and might not ever be. I'm normally not a private person (obviously. I keep a public blog for crying out loud) but this is just an issue I need to keep within my own little circle for now. It actually helped to at least type it all out but I don't think I want to talk about it here. My blog is all fluff and sarcasm for the most part (ok, with the occasional complaint about how child doesn't sleep ;) and I'd like to keep it that way.

I'm hopeful that the issue will get better at some point but for now, I'm not going to dwell on it. There are way too many wonderful things in my life to keep worrying about this one situation. Ronnie and I have a great relationship, we have a cozy little house, cars, my job, his school. Everything is GREAT. And to top it all off, we have V. She is literally a little bundle of happiness. And she is growing and learning so so much every day that I feel like I'm missing out when my mind wanders to other worrisome things. I can't continue to do that!

Who would ever want to miss these moments?

Life is good and I intend to keep my focus on that :)

Have a great weekend, y'all. xoxo


applesandglue said...

Life DOES seem good for you, and that's awesome! V is adorable. :)

Kasey said...

EEP!! I'm SO excited!! Thanks for a great giveaway!

I love how happy you are, despite whatever is going on. It's great that you can focus on the positives. It's so easy to get wrapped up on the negatives. That is something I've had to work on too. :-)

Lauren said...

Have a great weekend friend :-)

C said...

Good attitude!!!

Suze said...

Way to be positive. I feel the same way- having Nicky helps me concentrate on the good things and leave my worries behind. We call him our little hakuna matata or however you spell it :)

Mrs. W. said...

I like your outlook! It's always nice to focus on the positive. And that little girl in that freaking adorable monogrammed romper is super, duper positive! :)


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