I always ask him before a birthday or Christmas what he really wants and not what he NEEDS because I know he doesn't just go buy whatever he's wanting at the moment {unlike his shopaholic fiance} but he makes it so difficult and can never come up with anything. So after much questioning and bugging, this is the grand wish list he finally came back with:
1. A gift card to his favorite book store, Half Price Books
2. A Waterpik. Yes, a Waterpik.
I know what you're thinking...How does she handle such a wild man!
I realize these are things HE wants but really, are they good enough for a 30th Birthday? I mean, the guy has tons of interests: football, basketball, science, working out, traveling...and this is his list?! Oy. We can go to Half Price or get a Waterpik anytime we want, you know? I just want to give him something better. He DESERVES so much better! But I'm stumped. So I have to ask:
What are some presents you've given your significant other?
I don't have tons of money but I'm open to all ideas and I appreciate your help!
I don't have tons of money but I'm open to all ideas and I appreciate your help!
Also, I just discovered Meg's blog, Life of Meg and she's hosting Mingle Monday today! Join in below!

Oh, I agree- buying long-term significant other gifts is way hard! Mine is into video games, so when in doubt, I get him something video gamey. When he asks for something, I always try to get him that plus some surprise thing. This year, I gave him a year-long membership to a spa for a monthly massage. I knew he wouldn't do it for himself and he loves massages- perfect! (I'm not a good massage giver. Best left to the pros in this situation.) Good luck- let us know what you decide and happy birthday to him!!
haha I have gotten David an electric toothbrush and a razor!
My husband just celebrated his 30th this past November.. I sent him an obnoxious balloon bouquet at work (because flowers don't float high enough) and I made him his favorite cake and took him out to his choice of restaurants.. then I pretended to 'sneak' a drink at our local bar (his parents were watching our baby and he didn't know that they knew I was going to bring him to a bar... we hadn't gone out at all in 4 months) where a few of his buddies were waiting with beers for us.. I left early and let him have a boys night... Inexpensive, surprising and he loved it...
***I love that he wants a waterpik, though!!! So sensible :)
My hubby is SO tough to buy for that I'd actually be happy that he gave me something specific - even if it were a Waterpik. ;)
It's funny how women can always come up with a million things they want, and the couple of things that men do come up with are hilarious.
Yesterday was my fiance's 22nd birthday. I haven't bought him a gift yet, and when I asked him what he wanted he showed me these chopsticks that look like light sabres from Star Wars. No joke.
<3 Miranda
I had a waterpik and it was AWESOME! Totally recommend it. Guys usually like really sensible gifts. I got my Hubs one of those nice memory foam pillows for his bday recently because he was complaining his pillow was getting flat.
Guys are so funny when it comes to gifts. At least he didn't say "socks and underwear". Any concerts you can snag tickets to? My BF prefers experience gifts more than physical ones... but that's just him! Good luck!
Jeremy doesn't ASK for much but I usually try to find him something HEAVY METAL related. lol. OOOrr, he's a Three Stooges fan so I've bought him Three Stooges fridge magnets. Metallica anything..lol. Concert tickets? Any good concerts coming your way?? Might be something to look in to.
Happy birthday to lover!!!
LOL at the Waterpik. Love it. We have a wild man on our hands, indeed!
I bought him a nice winter jacket that he loved, a Kindle for his birthday last year, his android phone, tickets to see a play, as well as hard to find books and a collectors edition figurine of his favorite comic book character.
It's crazy that 30 is coming up! AAH!
And why don't you organize a series of special experiences for him? For example, a trip, lunch at his favorite restaurant, some dessert made by you...
ugh, i know what you mean! I have no idae what to get my boyfiend. He doesn't need or want anything. They are so frustrating. It is especially hard when I know he is going to get me something nice for these occassions and I am completely clueless.
My husband loves gift cards to Home Depot. 'Nuff said. I think your man is more wild than mine :)
Hey babe. well I'm actually bad with ideas myself. I'm the chick that usually gets the "giftcard" LOL. I know pathetic, but I'm just horrible when it comes to gifts. Anyway, I hope you and the hubby have a great birthday celebration! :D
Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Too cute! You have a great little family. New follower and just wanted to say hi = )
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