Fun with Our Phones!

Aug 15, 2011

I can't believe it's been a week since I last blogged! Whoops. But I'm back and linking up with Savanah for Fun with our Phones Monday! I've not been super fun lately so I don't have any exciting pics to share...but this is just a capture of my last week ;)

So excited about this because I just finished up Season 4!
And Dexter's kind of a cutie..for a serial killer.

My mom bought me this cup that I am IN LOVE with!
I love the color and the "hammered" look :)

I'm sort of an evil momma who likes blinding my dogs with the flash.
Their faces are too funny, I can't help it!

I'm not sure if this dude sells Mary Kay OR if his favorite colors are Blush and Bashful? :/
and yes, a guy was driving it.

My sweet Sibley girl

Our crazy ass storage unit.
I love how organized Ronnie and his best friend were at the end.

And last but not least, me and my baby daddy at Chuy's. Yum! :D
Looking just as funny as the dogs with the flash in our face.

Have a fabulous Monday!!


Anonymous said...

bahahahaha i love the flash pictures! the boys looks so happy to be blinded! HA! we are just alike! and ronnie looks just as happy to be blinded! heehe

Jean said...

that car... likes attention.

i like to take unlimited photos of my family... i know they secretly love it, they say they don't.

Dana Richards said...

Ahhh yes! Steel Magnolias reference!

Test said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE Dexter! The fur kids are adorable!

KSK said...

I wish I would've kept HBO for Dexter.. I miss it, but I don't have much time for it now. :( Too busy blogging! HA!
That car is... amazing :)

(And the 1st dog photo is my favorite! I love his face!)

Anonymous said...

AAAHHH I love DEXTER! I have the day it comes out marked on my calendar because I still haven't seen the 5th season :(

ashley.warner said...

awww your pups are so darling!
love it!
happy monday.
maybe i should start watching dexter!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Dexter to start up again too!

I love wiener dogs smug little faces! <3

amy said...

Ooh, I love me some Dexter!! So excited for the new season to start this Fall!!

I have that same cup but mine is teal and I love love love it! I use it every day!

Happy Monday! :)

Unknown said...

Love your pups!

Miranda said...

I laughed so hard at your dog's flash faces!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Chuy's - I'm going there for a co-worker's birthday lunch today. Tortilla soup and creamy jalepeno! :)

Mrs. W. said...

Dexter is definitely a hot serial killer. Yum. :)

[SMASH] said...

Haha, blush & bashful. [Your colors are pink and pink!]

Meg O. said...

Season 4 is the best season ever! I like season 5 too. They just released it on DVD! let me know what you think :)

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Haha I love the dog/flash photos! Mine would look the same...if my ancient iPhone had a flash lol! Have a great week :)

Liz Taylor said...

I have heard so much about Dexter, I definitely need to check it out and I also have that cup but in the color of blue!

Savanah said...

Thank you soooo much for linking up with us!! I just love the pics of your fur babies :)

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

Y'all are so cute together!!

And I love the pix of your pups :)

C said...

I STILL haven't finished season 3 of Dexter! I had a blush and bashful/Steel Magnolias bridal shower. Love that movie. Maybe that guy works for Mary Kay? You guys are such a cute couple!

Asha said...

wow your doggie babies look soooo much like mine! And that is definitely NOT a Mary Kay car... he just as issues, haha!

Erin said...

Looks like you had a pretty good week!! And yum, Chuy's? Wish we had one where we live now!! Thanks for linking up with me and savannah! {please forgive me for my late comment}

Carolina said...

That car is the SHIT! I loves my a good "scraper". Well, that's what they're called in Cali.

Also, you look so pretties & HAPPY!


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