I guess WILW is always the best and easiest way to jump back into blogging, huh?! :) I've missed all of you ladies and I hope you're all doing well!
Things have been nuts around here and to be quite honest, this week has been pretty shitty. I found out some stuff at work yesterday that isn't helping any either BUT I am reminding myself to stay focused on the positive because when I stop and think about it, I have so many amazing people and "things" in my life to be ecstatic about. The stupid negativity needs to GO!

Things have been nuts around here and to be quite honest, this week has been pretty shitty. I found out some stuff at work yesterday that isn't helping any either BUT I am reminding myself to stay focused on the positive because when I stop and think about it, I have so many amazing people and "things" in my life to be ecstatic about. The stupid negativity needs to GO!

{Link up over at Jamie's blog!}
I am loving my honey. He is my rock and he makes me laugh constantly through the tough times!
I am loving that gas prices in my area have actually dropped around 20 cents. Pleeeease keep dropping!
I am loving all the craziness coming up in the next few weeks - my cousin's wedding, Ronnie's family reunion and then Father's Day. Yay for time with our familias!
{me and my sibs last week}
I am loving that at night I've been reading instead of watching TV {Water for Elephants. LOVE!} and listening only to music. Perfection I tell you!
I am loving that my family and friends are safe and sound despite the awful tornadoes in their areas.
I am loving these boys as usual. I am so grateful for the unconditional love of the sweetest boys around!
I am loving actually making calls lately instead of texting. You catch up on so much and it's nice to actually HEAR your friends and family!
I am loving that I've managed to save money and keep from shopping for myself for 2 weeks now! That is indeed a milestone around these parts.
(Buuuut because I can't help myself, I have to share some shoes I am loving from Steve Madden! ;)
What are you loving this week??
I hope you have an amazing Wednesday, ladies!!
i love the boys.
they look so serious!
Loved this post! Stay positive, girly! :)
This week, I am loving...blogging and dessert. Oh, and saving $$$ b/c I really want to go on vacation!
Yay, good to have you back.
I wish petrol prices would drop here too!
I loved Water for Elephants! Sorry to hear you got some bad news at work, hopefully things will work out ok, glad you're back blogging!
You are so cute! :D Sorry things aren't going well lately but things have to perk up sometime! Maybe WILW is just what you needed to focus on more positive, fun things. Hang in there lady! XO
Sorry things are not going so well!
I loved Water for Elephants too!
Hey good to see you're back!
Those shoes are adorable!!!
Glad you're back!
I missed you!
Glad you are back! And those last shoes you posted... um, are amazing!!!
Ooh, love love loved the book Water for Elephants! And I'm sure you'll be happy to know that the movie stays pretty true to the book. Love love LOVED the movie!!!!
You sound like a busy chicadee. Good job on the shopping freeze. Love the first shoes you have posted.
I am with you on the phone calls instead of texting... I feel like we are isolating ourselves...
Those 1st pair of shoes are SO CUTE!! Perfect for summer!
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