What has two little thumbs and rocked their first day of daycare?!
This girl!!
And apparently I crashed her fun when I showed up yesterday to pick her up because that's the look I got - the "Already?!" look. Honestly though, I'm ecstatic about that! I don't even care that she didn't squeal with delight to see me. I'm happy she did well and was content to be there!
Sarah (our daycare lady) asked me again if she'd ever been in daycare before because she would've sworn she wasn't a newbie, as well as she took to it! She played well on her own as well as with the other kids, took a while to go down for a nap but eventually knocked out (and on a little mat which she's never done!) and while she refused lunch (typical Violet), I found her eating her snack like a champ. I'm so proud and SO relieved to know she's totally fine being left with other people. Makes me wanna leave her with all kinds of strangers now so Ronnie and I can just get out for a date more often! (Kidding. Sorta.)
Last night she was just the sweetest and in such a good mood. And you see that face on the end? WHAT. Is that not the cutest little smile EVER? That's her "new" smile and she breaks it out every now and then and it just completely melts my heart.
Her big day was a success!

I know, that smile. She got it from her mama. ;)
That's awesome! Great job, Violet!!!
I'm so glad her first day went well. Sometimes things like that are more traumatizing for us parents than for the kids. :oP
Awesome so happy her first day went great!!!!
Awww thats so great!! I love when I get first timers who are just happy to be around other kids!
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