Be Productive. B-E Productive!

Feb 18, 2013

I'd say Happy Monday but that would just be a lie, right? :)

Did you know I've NEVER had a job that gave us President's Day off? I'm pretty sure my bosses should be making a much bigger deal out of this day than they are.

Did you know that today's not only President's Day but NATIONAL WINE DAY too? Holla! Tonight's plans is made.

Did you know today also marks 10 days until my darling-precious-child-who-refuses-to-sleep-in-her-crib turns 1? Of course you did because this crazy mom won't just drop it already!

Let's take a look at what's she's been up to, shall we?

All this in one weekend, too. The fact that her mom stayed in pj's most of the weekend and went outside not once, but twice, without a bra, can only mean that she gets her productivity from her dad.
Having said that, I still have a shit ton left to do for V's birthday party. I have discovered that while Pinning birthday party ideas for months ahead of time feels productive, it is in fact quite the opposite. You have to actually make the stuff. Fascinating.
I am happy to say though that at the very least, the party invitations been mailed out, with just 2 weeks to spare.
And drumroll please...Here's the fancy invitation I got to send out!
Isn't it the PRETTIEST?!
Please go tell Brittany that she's the greatest designer who ever lived and then have her do the invitations for your next party. I could not have asked for anything more perfect. Thanks again, lady - Violet is lucky to have you as her future MIL ;)
Now I'm off to make a to-do list of stuff that has GOT to get done this week. Sorry, job duties, you'll have to wait until some other time.
Oh and to those who are off work today, I'll stop talking smack. Enjoy your day. Because I just remembered that I get two weeks off this coming Christmas. So that > President's Day. Boom.


Lauren H Edmondson said...

those invitations are amazing girl! Love the theme! And V doing yoga is too much haha

Kasey said...

I love those invites!! So sweet! And I seriously cannot get over V's hair. I love it. I bet you get a lot of comments on it! ;-)

Katie said...

Those turned out darling!

Anonymous said...

LOVE that birthday invite!!
And pinning should be considered productive! :oP

Um, why did no one tell me today was National Wine Day?!

Amber said...

National Wine Day?! Fabulous - I've got 2 unopened bottles at home with my name on them!

I LOVE the invite - so adorable.

Savanah said...

oh snap. gotta bust out the bottle of wine tonight!!! And I LOVEEEEEEE V's invite!!! And what a cute picture of her and her curls :)

Miranda said...

She is so adorable!

And the invitations are so cute!

Jean said...

cute invite! so exciting!

Mrs. W. said...

I LOVE that invitation! It is so sweet! Man, I can't wait to read all about this party. I'm sure your Pinterest-ing will pay off and it will be awesome. :)

Miranda said...

i love the invitation, i celebrated wine day, and i went out this past weekend without a bra as well. such a pain to put on! i could totally go on a bra rant right now lol...but that might be from the wine celebrating :)

Monica said...

Those invitations are adorable! I pin so many things for parties and then realize I want to do them but wont

mrs.mfc said...

The invitations look AMAZING!! And of course all those pictures of V are just adorable. I love her :)

Vicki said...

The invitations are gorgeous! Love the colors and the bit of sparkle! And I cannot stand V and her cuteness ... I swear that child makes me smile at least once a day on instagram! :)

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Aw the invite is darling! And I love her little, or should I say big (?) personality :)

Lauren said...

I LOVE the invite, soooo adorable and just perfect with her little picture on it :-)


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