15 Month Violet

May 28, 2013

I always get sappy when we hit another milestone (that's a lie, I get sappy just about every day) but now that Violet is 15 months today and has changed so freaking much since turning one, I can't help but use yet another cliché because REALLY, where has the time gone??

She is no longer a baby but a full on toddler now. A talking, walking, dancing, climbing (as of this weekend. yay), mannerful (she finally understands "please" and when to use it!), tantrum throwing, food throwing/smooshing in between her fingers, mess making TODDLER. And as if a light bulb went off in her little head last week, she has realized that yes, sleep is awesome. She has been sleeping through the night for exactly a week now and we couldn't be more grateful. It's amazing what different and better people we are on decent sleep! Who knew :)

It's easy to get wrapped up in the daily b.s. and let ourselves be overwhelmed by the stress that is Ronnie being a full time student (yup, summer school too) and me working full time to take care of the three of us, yadda yadda yadda...but when I sit back and look at the craziness, I realize it is OUR craziness and that makes it pretty special. This is a time in our lives we will never get back and even though it can be nuts, I know we'll look back on this time with fond memories. I just love our life so much and that SHE is a part of it.

And I have to share this quick video. This child loves the music.
I hope her dad and I continue to rub off on her, that way :)
We road tripped yesterday so I was in the back with her and caught her busting some moves.
Please ignore that damn baby bink. She livens up the moment I take it from her - wait for it. (0:56)

Happy 15 Months to our wild child :)

And on a side note: Thank you to all of you who checked up on us down here in flood-ville. We were safe throughout it all! Our back yard was a pool for about a day but luckily, the water never crept inside. There are a lot of low water crossings near our house and those were flooded and shut down all weekend, even the nearby highway was flooded over in one area but it was all temporary. We're back to being sunny and happy in SA - especially for us Spurs fans ;)


Neri said...

Oh my word she is SO cute!! Shake it girl!!

BRB said...

V is too adorable. Her expression as she bops her head is priceless. You have a lovely family :)

I'm glad you were ok this weekend. We were supposed to make it to S.A. (my first time ever) but couldn't because of the weather. Believe it or not I actually did think about you, and I remember how you were tweeting on Friday that it was pouring cats and dogs and that there were lots of sirens. Who knew it would turn into a monster? Glad your home wasn't damaged.

<3 Kali

kjpugs said...

She is SO ADORABLE! And I think motherhood is synonymous with cliches, haha! I'm finding that myself :)

Ari @ The Pace of it All said...

Such a cutie... and photogenic kid! :)

Lauren said...

SO precious, love her little hair bows too can't believe she's 15 months!!! :-)

Mellissa "Shia" Rondinelli said...

Super cute as always! She's getting so big!!!


mrs.mfc said...

She is so so cute!!! And YAY for sleeping through the night! How did you get her to start saying please?

Miranda said...

cuter than words! i love that she loves music! Mason does to...so much we had to pay Pandora for a year with his birthday money!!! :)

Amber said...

I just love her wild hair! :) Watching the vid when I get home!

Limitless Reader said...

My son's butt is almost CLEAN always. So, he has never had diaper rash. You wont have to worry about your baby sitting in "flesh eating acid", as we jokingly refer to baby pooh as, if you cant change it the seconds after they go. I cant believe I am talking about a diaper, but we are so pleased with these.
honest co


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