If you need me...

Apr 17, 2013

I'm either playing (and sucking badly at) Candy Crush.


on Instagram, selling my kid's clothes like a mad woman.


extra busy at work because I've been given yet another job duty (#smallcompanyproblems)


loving on this girl who is growing way too freaking fast!

Yeah, shiz is busy.

So, super big sorry for sucking at blog reading, emailing and tweeting. I promise I'll be a better friend one day soon!


Tricia said...

Uhhhh I just posted my first post yesterday after not posting for 7 MONTHS! And I don't have a good excuse like HAVING A BABY!
All is forgiven.

Jean said...

I know... I've been super busy, too! So I can't complain....

Lauren said...

I've been so busy too! Loving your sweet little girl how cute :-)

Tasha said...

No worries, you have a life and there's no need to apologize for that! ;D

Candy Crush makes me irritable, lol! I suck at it.

Suze said...

what is this candy crush? I've heard of it...

I'm so out of the know. Too busy, like you!

applesandglue said...

Everyone is playing candy crush... and getting frustrated with it! I have yet to get sucked in.

She is such a cutie. :)

Mrs. W. said...

Clearly, I understand where you're coming from with the email and such. Ha! We can suck at it together.

V's ponytail, man. It's too much. I WANT MY KID TO HAVE HAIR, TOO!!!!!

Miranda said...

i have a highly addictive personality so i am playing candy crush like a crazy person. i am ashamed.

Mama Up! said...

I know the feeling! Sometimes life trumps blogging :) But blogging is always there waiting in the wings!

C said...

Oh, Candy Crush. I played for HOURS on Saturday. I found out you can use all your lives on your phone and then play on Facebook immediately after with those 5 lives. I was watching the clock all day. Haha! Are you making some good money on V's baby stuff?


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